Online Hotel Booking Tool

Get access to exclusive B2B hotel rates!

Fill in your details to learn more about how Arbitrip can help you book accommodation.

We make sure you book the best hotel, pay the best price and keep tabs on your business travel budget.

Who We Are?

"Arbitrip makes corporate travel a breeze for travel managers. Since I started working with Arbitrip, we've already saved thousands of dollars. In fact, this past month we saved 24% more than we did the month before! We now spend smarter instead of wasting time and money on travel."

 Victoria Epshtein | AppsFlyer

Join Victoria and hundreds of other happy customers 

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Copyright Arbitrip 2019

"Arbitrip makes corporate travel a breeze for travel managers. Since I started working with Arbitrip, we've already saved thousands of dollars. In fact, this past month we saved 24% more than we did the month before! We now spend smarter instead of wasting time and money on travel."

 Victoria Epshtein | AppsFlyer

With Arbitrip you'd benefit from:

Access to discounted hotel rates - Get B2B, deep discounted rates from more than 60 different suppliers.

Saving time - by getting all the information you need in one place - no more comparing different websites.

Centralised Payments - Pay once a month or as you go, whatever works for you.

Centralised Invoicing - Arbitrip can issue a monthly invoice or an invoice per booking, whatever makes your account department happy.

Awesome 24/7 VIP Service - by phone, chat, and email.

Keeping everything under control - Arbitrip helps you create and manage a travel policy for your company.

Managing Approval Workflows - Busy times? Let you travellers book for themselves, and in case the prices are high, your travellers would have to request for out-of-policy deals.

 Keeping tabs on your travel activity - See your travel spend, check your policy compliance and generate insights in real-time.